In 2019-2020 Consolidated Water completed a major upgrade to all the water meters throughout our service area. The AMI project replaced aging water meters and radio transmitters used to read the water meters.
What is AMI?
AMI is a powerful communication network used to obtain, real-time, accurate data from all water meters throughout our service area. The system uses a series of antennas, smart points, and “the cloud” to provide increased customer support, accurate data measurement, consistent billing and operational efficiency.
What does this mean for me?
The AMI project means that our staff will be able to provide you enhanced customer service in the form of remote leak detection and monitoring, faster billing resolution, and hour by hour water use reports. The AMI System will provide the water district improved efficiency in reading your water meter remotely, no more driving by or stopping to read your meter manually. Other than those changes, the AMI System will not cause any changes to your water supply or your typical monthly billing.
Will my rates go up to pay for this project?
No! Your rates have not and will not go up because of this project. This project was funded by the water district’s Capital Improvement Fund.